Library Services
Information Services:
a) Turnitin (Anti Plagiarism Software for Researchers)
b) Library Guide
c) Literature Search
d) Citation Management
e) Reference Service
f) Circulation
g) Current Awareness Services
h) Inter Library Loan
i) Archives of E- Journals
j) E- Books k) Photocopy Services l) Printing & Scanning
m) Institutional Repository
n) Union Catalogue
Reference Services through Help Desk
An active help desk provides efficient and reliable services under the supervision of professional librarians. Users may make queries by in writing, telephone, fax and E-mail Ghulam.farid@sihs.org.pk
Book Lending
All registered users are entitled to borrow books. Lending privileges differ for various categories. Please inquire at the circulation desk for your eligibility. Books renewal and reservation services are also available. To borrow books, please present your college card at the circulation desk.
CD-ROM & Online searching
Seventy Five terminals are dedicated for electronic and online database searching including full-text information, abstracts, indexes, and international conference proceedings.
Searching Assistance
In case an item is not located in its place; inquiry can be made at the circulation/ reference desk. A search will then be initiated and the user will be notified when the required item will be found is located. The located item will be held at the circulation/ help desk for one day for the user to pick up.
Electronic Document Supply
If a document or a journal article is not available in SMDC library or locally, the library has arrangements to provide it through international sources electronically. The library provides it through the Internet by paying charges to the service providers. This electronic document supply service has been designed to support research projects (Only for registered users).
Library services through Intranet
SMDC library has its personal drive named as “Journals on SMDC05 (J :)”. This drive contains complete information about;
Library policies
Library Services
Archives of E-Journals
Access of UHS Digital Library
Access of HEC Digital Library
List of available books and journals in print format,
Library forms
Reprographic Services One photocopy machine is situated in library circulation section. The member will pay the photocopy and printing fee.
Wi-Fi Wireless connectivity to internet is available at library Hall, library users are allowed to use their personal Laptops /notebooks in library Hall while using library materials.
Inter-Library Loan (ILL) If a particular item is not available in library collection, the library has arrangements to acquire from other medical libraries, both within the local and in other cities. ILL request forms are available at the circulation desk. ILL facility duration is 15 days and after issuing twice reading material will come back in the central library and then same required material will re-issue or re-borrowed on new demand .ILL form is available on reference desk. Approval of College Principal is must before submission process.
Information Literacy The library provides a wide range of services to its users and enables them to use the library with its optimum potential and how to find required data from print and electronic resources. The mentioned services are part of information literacy program:
Library Guide for SIHS researchers
Online Databases
Press Clippings
Print Journals
Library Website
Internet Lab Unit
In order to keep pace with technological advancement especially with the boom in Information Technology an Internet Lab. The computer lab has 75 work stations with the facility of internet.
Internet Service Rules
Only a member of the library will be eligible to get the registration.
Users are allowed for browsing, surfing and searching the academic and research material.
Users will be liable to pay for any damage to the system or any other damages.
Chat and messengers and social media are not allowed.
Users will be penalized for browsing obnoxious material and for misconduct by the competent authority and their Internet privileges shall be revoke.